Step 1:
To schedule a wedding Mass or ceremony at St. Ephrem Church, please call the rectory at 215-245-1698 to reserve your date & time for your wedding and rehearsal! We prefer that you call to reserve your wedding date at least a year in advance. Reservation of a wedding date can be made no less than 6 months prior to your proposed wedding.
Step 2:
Once your wedding day has been secured, please come to St. Ephrem Rectory (5400 Hulmeville Rd. Bensalem, PA) to pick up our marriage booklet & Together For Life booklet which give instructions on how to build your wedding Mass/ceremony, paperwork you need to get married in the church & state, music information, & church fees & rules.
Step 3:
You may schedule or one of our priests will reach out to you to set up an appointment around 6 months prior to your wedding to get to know you & help you with paperwork in preparing for your big day.
St. Ephrem Pre-Cana Info:
***All couples must go to a Pre-Cana program either in person or on-line.
- St. Ephrem offers 2 Pre-Cana days: one in the Fall (November) & one in the Spring (March).
- They take place on a Saturday from 10:45am – 5:45pm.
- 10 married couples present practical advice & wisdom on 5 specific marital topics from communication/problem solving to in-laws to faith life, etc.
- 5 of the couples are newly married & the other 5 couples are more “experienced.” (married longer, haha)
- We end the Pre-Cana day with Mass at 5pm & to receive a gift & be introduced & prayed over by our congregation.
- To register, call the rectory at 215-245-1698. Cost is $125.
- Open to all engaged couples whether from our parish or outside of our parish!
For more information, please download and review our Marriage Booklet!
Download Marriage Booklet Now!