Cantors serve in the dual roles of psalmist and song-leader.  They proclaim the Responsorial Psalm, and lead and support the people’s song at all Sunday and Holyday Masses.  Cantors encourage the people to be comfortable with raising their voices to God in worship.  Adults who have some singing experience are welcome.  A pleasing voice, prayerful presence, and some training in the liturgical aspects of this ministry are all important.  Cantors sing once or twice a month; meetings are held seasonally. For more information, please contact  Mr. Ron Chancler at 215-639-4228.


Adult Choir
The choir leads and supports the song of the assembly, adding harmony as well as special choir hymns and preludes.   The choir sings for the Noon Mass two Sundays a month, for Christmas Eve, the Sacred Triduum, and for the sacrament of Confirmation.  If you like to sing, consider this ministry.  No auditions are required.  Any member of the parish is welcome and new members may join at any time.  Rehearsals are held every Thursday evening from 7:30 to 9:00 pm from September to May. For more information, please contact  Mr. Ron Chancler at 215-639-4228.


Children’s/School Choir
The Children’s Choir/School offers an opportunity for young people in Grades 3 through 8 to become involved in liturgical leadership for the monthly School Masses, the Christmas Eve Mass, and other designated Sunday Masses and school prayer services throughout the liturgical year.  Rehearsals are held on Tuesdays during part of the lunch period.


Children’s/PREP Choir
The Children’s Choir/PREP provides an opportunity for young people in PREP Grades 4 through 7 to minister at the 9:00 am Sunday Mass every weekend.  Brief rehearsals are held every Sunday at 8:45 am for the 9:00 am Mass.  The School and PREP Choirs combine to sing for the Christmas Eve Mass.


Folk Group
The Folk Group provides guitar music accompaniment and choral leadership for the 5:00 pm Saturday Vigil Mass every weekend, and for Christmas Eve and Easter Sunday.  Rehearsals are held once a week.  For more information, please contact  Mrs. Teresa Miller,  Folk Group Director at 267-934-3059.