Our Spring Bereavement Sessions will begin on Wednesdays, starting in February.
Please call Sister Mary Jane to register. (215-639-4332)


St. Ephrem Parish invites you to their Bereavement Support Groups– one in Spring and one in Fall.  These are support groups for those whose lives have been touched by the loss of a family member or friend.


Support Groups can give you:

– a place to provide and receive emotional support
– a place to share your story with others who are on the same journey through grief
-a place to ask nagging questions such as: “Is this normal”?
and “How long will this hurt last?
– a safe & confidential place to face your feelings about loss.


Meetings are held on eight consecutive Wednesdays from 1:00 to 2:30 PM or from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in the Marian Parish Center.

Registration is required. Please contact Sr. Mary Jane at 215-639-4332 or mjbihm3@gmail.com.


Sessions generally go for eight consecutive weeks.
Bereavement Sessions are held every Fall and Spring.